The Misbelieves record classic theme song

As anybody within spitting distance of a telegraph or carrier pigeon knows, Bonnington Truce is on the move after decades dormant. The Misbelieves have honored the occasion by recording a loving recreation of the theme song to Bonnington Truce’s long-lost and lamented Saturday morning TV show, “Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce!”
Download: MP3 (6.5 MB) FLAC (24 MB) (try right-click “save as” if left-click doesn’t work for you)
Archeology: The first voice in the song is Earl Lundy’s, wondering why nobody was dancing during Next Window’s set at the Avanti Theatre in Hattiesburg, March 5th, 1982. The sampled “Yeah”s throughout the song are Earl, Patrick Wallace, and Ben Young during Chariot Choogle later the same night.
Accuracy: Jeff is, in fact, the leader of the band.

This is for Adam Ford and all of our kids

Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce I hope we get the band to play Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce From all the years and miles away And Ben is the leader of the band Earl is the leader of the band Patrick is the leader of the band But Jeff and Hugh are just like you They’re not the leader of the band Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce I wonder if they’re back to stay Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce After all the years and miles away And Patrick is the leader of the band Earl is the leader of the band Ben is the leader of the band But Jeff and Hugh are just like you They’re not the leader of the band In the days before the Truce was signed And silence shrouded Hattie’s Gulch The children never laughed or sang And darkness spread like kudzu mulch A shot was fired in Vicksburg that Reverberated round the state And echoed in the heads of restless Kids who would refuse to wait We gathered at the commune To await the band’s decision Would they choose a life of infamy Bold threats and cold derision Brave O’Neil Bridges Wallace Young And the madcap Earl of Bonnington Did smile upon what they’d begun And gladly shared with everyone Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce I hope we get the band to play Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce After all the bars the battle scars The roads and years and miles away


All of my songs are available for free as high-bitrate MP3s. Some of the more recent songs are also available as lossless FLACs. Everything here is covered under a Creative Commons license you can look at here. The quickest way to find MP3s is to click here. There’s some information about the bands, real and imaginary, above, and in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat. Thanks for visiting!

‘Lieves Roots: 2003 – Popsicle Thieves

Popsicle Thieves were formed, in part, as a way for us to try to make some sense of Bicycle Thieves’ demise. Although Popsicle Thieves released only one single in their year of existence, that single effectively puts a lid on the Bicycle Thieves era and forms an essential bridge to the upper 8th ward sound of The Misbelieves.
You can download the a-side, Touch You Natalie Jane (5MB mp3) and the b-side, FYNJ (5.5MB mp3). Both songs were recorded on Music Street and are © 2003, Music Street Music.

Wrockin’ the reckage of the mighty 8th Ward!

This is the official site for one of the Upper 8th Ward’s most misunderstood rock bands, The Misbelieves. Here you will find news and downloads for future Misbelieves releases, as well as a selection of recordings from earlier Misbelieves-related bands, including Next Window, Bicycle Thieves, Popsicle Thieves, Icicle Thieves, Tricycle Thieves, Pineapple Thieves, and David Bowie®.
If you’re looking for a particular song or band you can use the search box at the upper right, or select the band name under ‘Lieves Roots in the Categories box to the right. Or, if you want to skip the verbiage altogether and just download songs, you can click Just The MP3s, Please.

Peace + love, from Music Street, Gentilly Terrace, 8th Ward.