Wrockin’ the reckage of the mighty 8th Ward!

This is the official site for one of the Upper 8th Ward’s most misunderstood rock bands, The Misbelieves. Here you will find news and downloads for future Misbelieves releases, as well as a selection of recordings from earlier Misbelieves-related bands, including Next Window, Bicycle Thieves, Popsicle Thieves, Icicle Thieves, Tricycle Thieves, Pineapple Thieves, and David Bowie®.
If you’re looking for a particular song or band you can use the search box at the upper right, or select the band name under ‘Lieves Roots in the Categories box to the right. Or, if you want to skip the verbiage altogether and just download songs, you can click Just The MP3s, Please.

Peace + love, from Music Street, Gentilly Terrace, 8th Ward.

6 thoughts on “Wrockin’ the reckage of the mighty 8th Ward!”

  1. happy reuning oh ’81ers. hoist a beverage for me,will ya? i thought of Anvil and the good old bad old days of Next Window today when i had the honor to hold in my awed and trembling hands a signed (by all 4 Ramones)original radio promo 45 release of Sheena is a Punk Rocker .. thought that was as good as it got until i noticed next in the pile was MC5 radio promo 45 of Kick out the Jams and below that mono 45 Bowie… Left( the record store)with Screaming Lord Such and a twinkle in my eyen. rock on, Misbelieves! Annie

  2. Thank God I found this. I saw A***l perform several times. They could segue from Journey to the Sex Pistols like no one I had ever heard before (or since, for that matter). I’m very glad to find all these tracks posted, since Gary “borrowed” my Next Window CDs about 3 years ago. Now my clocks have all coincidentally stopped on 11:27.

  3. utterly astounding. I was semipresent for the transition into Next Window, meaning as much as was possible for that time and place and state of the universe.

  4. Okay, Misbelieves.
    I’m ready to hear that
    8th Ward sound.
    How about it?
    Where can I get the latest,
    and are you guys “tree huggers”? And how many of
    you are there?

  5. Brian first saw Next Window at a party at your house when I was in the 5th grade(I was there with my aunt Kit).
    The version of Allison you guys did is still my favorite,You totally wailed on it full of emotion and really fucking incredible actually. I was pleased to find this page and hear the songs again. I’d love to get in touch with you and hear anymore of your old material you may have lying around.

  6. Man o’ man. I can’t believe it! Next Window.
    They were gods to us!
    Darron Burke. Member – The Exploding Hairs
    Mississippi Circa 1983


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