As anybody within spitting distance of a telegraph or carrier pigeon knows, Bonnington Truce is on the move after decades dormant. The Misbelieves have honored the occasion by recording a loving recreation of the theme song to Bonnington Truce’s long-lost and lamented Saturday morning TV show, “Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce!”
Download: MP3 (6.5 MB) FLAC (24 MB) (try right-click “save as” if left-click doesn’t work for you)
Archeology: The first voice in the song is Earl Lundy’s, wondering why nobody was dancing during Next Window’s set at the Avanti Theatre in Hattiesburg, March 5th, 1982. The sampled “Yeah”s throughout the song are Earl, Patrick Wallace, and Ben Young during Chariot Choogle later the same night.
Accuracy: Jeff is, in fact, the leader of the band.
This is for Adam Ford and all of our kids.
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Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce I hope we get the band to play Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce From all the years and miles away And Ben is the leader of the band Earl is the leader of the band Patrick is the leader of the band But Jeff and Hugh are just like you They’re not the leader of the band Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce I wonder if they’re back to stay Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce After all the years and miles away And Patrick is the leader of the band Earl is the leader of the band Ben is the leader of the band But Jeff and Hugh are just like you They’re not the leader of the band In the days before the Truce was signed And silence shrouded Hattie’s Gulch The children never laughed or sang And darkness spread like kudzu mulch A shot was fired in Vicksburg that Reverberated round the state And echoed in the heads of restless Kids who would refuse to wait We gathered at the commune To await the band’s decision Would they choose a life of infamy Bold threats and cold derision Brave O’Neil Bridges Wallace Young And the madcap Earl of Bonnington Did smile upon what they’d begun And gladly shared with everyone Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce I hope we get the band to play Come On Now Kids Yeah It’s Bonnington Truce After all the bars the battle scars The roads and years and miles away
I had occasion a couple weeks ago to be riding along in my car, mp3s shufflin’ like all-get-out, and this song comes on which made me say “Hey! I like this song! Haven’t heard it for awhile! What is this song?” and before I could pick up the ipod and figure it out, the lyrics in combination with my head came up with the answer: The Misbelieves’ “Bonnington Truce” theme song!
Sometimes life is good!